I came across this book and this text..
The youth and the transiting people tends to lose their direction in life this is due to the environment that they have to adapt to. In normal situation, a person, who facing or about to face a new environment, will try to search for a new identity. This new identity is to help them to survive in this new change. But, the cruel truth is, at times, this new identity might be too ideal (in the perspective of the youth facing this situation), that is, they would still not be able to fit into the new change. When that happens, the youth, once again, will lose this identity and direction. Once this occur, the youth will feel confused, but, they would not consult anyone for anything (this is because youths tend to have very high ego).
If that really happens, what can the adults do?
Actually, nothing (that is sad, man). But then, we can act as a guardian angel, we can only stay behind them and look at what they are doing. Don't interfere, let them grow. Let them fly, once they are down then they will know what they can and what they cannot.
Sounds like what we (i'm not exception either) would have and bound to face at certain stages in life.
What about friends? It seems that at times, it seems so inevitable, we would lose some friends (be it they left your train or otherwise). It would be a pain and it would definitely impact us heavily in some way (positively or negatively).
I had an incident that really impacted me very negatively the whole of last night. It was so bad that i really refused to work or even talk. After that incident, it seems that i might have failed as a friend, or might failed in some other ways.
I met a friend (by right, it should be very very closed friend) at Clementi Bus Stop yesterday afternoon (should be about 2:30pm). A person was wearing pale yellow polo tee-shirt, coffee brown bermudas and a familiar black sling bag (why is it so familiar? Because i went with this friend to buy this bag months ago). That was not the first time i bumped into this person (In this case, we let this person be AA), to be precise, that was the 11th time i bumped into him (face-to-face, side-by-side) since the start of this year.
So what is the big deal about this issue?
Have you met a very very very closed friend (basically a closet) face-to-face on the street 11 times and he/she pretended not seeing you (as if he does not know you at all). For all the 11 times. Well, what would you conclude (as a normal human with some dignity and pride)? Well, that would be a conclusion for me at those instances, when i bumped into AA for all the 11times.
How come someone (who was so closed and who you are quite closed that) do this? What happened to the 2years of friendship (countless nightouts, numerous incidents and memory-filling activities)? Just why?
Many possible reasons could be given. Well, before throwing in some reasons in, try this..
Apple, Orange, Pear, University, Grape, Cheery.
So which word is caught your first instinct?
Well, what about a guy wearing bright yellow tee-shirt or bright orange tee-shirt, with copper-brown tinted hair in a crowd of dull-coloured crowd? Would he be quite obvious in this case?
Now, you know what i mean?
Perhaps, the problem might still lies on my side. Did i do anything seriously wrong? (If you know me, what would be your conclusion?)
So where is the fault line?
So now, you get how painful i was the whole of yesterday?
So what happened next? I gave up thinking and wondering. I guess the following theory would be a good one for me to use now...
By choosing, you have already decided what would be the dire consequences. When other options were being closed off by you, you have no reasons to regret, and you cannot afford to regret anymore. In this case, since an option was pathed out (be it both or one party doing it), i guess this is the one and only choice that i could choose (I have no other choice already, don't I?).
Blame me not then.
Sound scary, right? Well, i have hold on and struggled for months over this part of my journey. Since the final stunt (Chocolates surprizes) does not do any miracles anymore, i guess i have to fulfil what i have decided when i chose to use my last stunt.
I guess these time could be utilize better over to other friends, buddies and brothers. Let happy times continue to flow and let happy moments be with them wherever they go.
I guess i'm finding my new identity now.
Soon, i would be able to meet up with my xiaodi again. But then, now i have to start thinking of what i have to prepare for his 19th birthday. Suggestions?
Finally, after much determination, i have went for my 8laps at the track today. Today, after the lessons at school, met up with HJ to do some slow jogging in school, and managed to do it. After which, we went to Vivocity to do some gift hunting. It really feel nice to take a breather out of a week of hectic schedule...
Will upload photos soon. Stay tune!!
Up next:
>> S$4.50 Indian Rojak (only 3 pieces)
It is raining. Is it externally or internally.
It has been raining lately. But, the after-math of rain is very bad - the surrounding gets a little stuffy and humid, the air gets a little still. Then again, when it was raining, the surrounding temperature gets a little nice and cosy, cooling and (poof!) there i go, on the bed (with the piles of works to be done chunked aside).
But rain does some benefits too.
It slows down our working tempo and, at the same time, allow us to take a look and enjoy our surrounding.
While trying to appreciate and capture sweet memories, some things are just there to inject negative impacts on my life.
I guess i might have failed as a friend, after this incident. I guess i might really failed as a human. Violating my mottos and my guidelines to life. What else is there for me?
你失恋陪你哭个痛快, 你跌倒借你勇气站起来。。
You might be wondering why i used chinese text as my title for this particular post..
I have been thinking for many days.. And i think this would be a nice heading for my new post..
So my blog has a title of Metaorphosing; Capturing the sweetness in life..
Well, how many of us are actually capturing the sweet time we would have or we had have with our close ones (friends, pertaining in this issue).
Or should i phrase it the other way - how many of us took friends (who are always there) for granted and ignore them when we are low?
So what are friends actually?
Haha, maybe you can try to listen to 朋友一直都在 sung by 陈伟联. Very nice..
Haiz, still waiting for him to cut out new album.
Food, fun and life... What's that calling me?? Saturday fun...
Here i am to give my blog some updates..
Life is stillso hectic and busy as usual, i guess i should get used to it by now.. But then? Sighed..
Hey this is a weekend. (so?) It's for fun and joys..
Hmm, so what did you do for the saturday that has just passed?
(Xiao di told me his activities of the day, that's very nice)
Oh.. I had a fun day today...
So what did i do today??
Well, as per normal, i did some revision (hey, it is really SOME).
After which, i headed out for a movie (or should i say it's wasn't an exciting movie).
Finally, i waited for a car to come and drive me to FOOD!!
Sumi, Jackson, Kevin, Terry and I went out for some guys' night (Hey you, no drinking! NO Pub and stuff like that).
We went to have a food fiesta at Geylang side.. Below are some of the food achievement that we had..

This is a cup of very sour juice!!!
It contain a sour plum

Their expression tells all!

We have
Siew Mai, Xia Jiao, Kong Ba Pau, Chau Siew Pau, Chee Chong Fan. Hey, that is part 1 only..

This is my close brother - Jackson..
And our finished containers!!

This is chicken claws

You just can't resist it!!
Their specialty!

Paper Chicken. Quite nice!

This one is not that nice, but then, still very tasty.

This is the sour curry crab! Oh my god!
So we got five people and it cost on about S$50..
You should try the food, it is simply delicious and delightful, fresh and tasty!
A question in passing..
Define life. Give the meaning of relationship. Is there true education?
I was talking a group of youths a few nights ago.While talking to them, i realised that the statement seems true.
Are we ready? Gracious enough? Determine enough?
(Litters are everywhere, juvenile delinquents seems to be on the side of increasing. Seats are not offered to needy while on the train, skeptism are everywhere. Youths are showing 'concern to each other's mother.) What is happening?
(Students, locals, are not doing their best in education, still thinking that the world belongs to them.) What the hell is happening? If not, what are we doing actually?
Define life? Most likely i believe the answer would be ________________.
Flu, cough and fever are just mild indicators to warn you that you should pay attention to your bod..
I have been sick since friday evening. Till now, my fever seems not be able to be under controlled. I guess i have really aged tremedously within months. I'm not the young and energetic lad who can burn 2 days of midnight oil, rush reports and having irregularly mealtime. I'm old, and i guess i have to admit this inevitable facts..
Sometimes, when i'm down with flu and fever, i have the tendency to do some flash-back.Took a look at my photo albums and handphone pictures. I'm not sure if you would feel this way.. but everytime i bump into a friend (used to be very very close) in school, he would just walk past me yet pretend that he did not see me at all. I'm quite sad for this fo quite some time. Sighed.. How did things turn out this way? Is it for real?
Life is so funny. At times, i will complain the why not? Then to appreciate the why yes?
I had read this message from somewhere - Friends are not obliged to be with you forever, they have their own life and freedom to choose things to happen. If they are around appreciate them, if not, thank them for being around for sometime - this sounds true.
So is it the time for me to thank him for being there for that certain period and let go? 5 times in a row, he walked past and pretend not to see me.
Life... Can anyone give me an answer?
Red Sky in the morning
I was rushing to school early this morning and happened to come across this sight. So? I took out this my handphone and took done this 'rare' scene.

Red Sky in the morning. This reminds me of a book - Red Sky in the Morning. This was the first book that i touched in my secondary school life.This book is one of the few books that really 'sucked' me into the plot (the best book still goes to Nicholas Sparks, A walk to remember).
I'm still trying to recover from the sad feelings that i had over the last weekends. This is the place i think i will hate for months, as for now.

Does bloggers becoming more and more influential than journalists?
I was watching the Arena yesterday, and re-watched just now on the train back to home. The debate was between 2 secondary schools and they were debating about above-mentioned interesting issue.
Both parties came up with a lot of viewpoints, which were both backed up by very good statistics and examples, quite well-linked. The examples were well-collected, in the sense, the examples came from various level of the society.
So who is the winner? Well, do you expect from a team in a debate?
Oh well, sometime it is a little good and exciting to watch a debate or be in a debate. Why? You get to see both sides of the coin and do some critical thinking about the things discussed.
Last round of semifinals is taking next tuesday? And what is their motion?
The next movie

It's a show that you got to watch. I'm watching so why not you?
The time now is 10.35pm SG. I guess my dear friend has landed in Aus safe and sound. He should be on his way to his home right now. My heart still feel sad for sending off this friend back to Aus for good. But i guess he should be very happy for returning back to a place he is familiar with, a place that he grew up with.
TT, hope you have a good time there. Must write to me, old uncle, often.
Do you have a dream?
Do you have a dream to pursue since young?
Is it a good dream?
Is it a dying dream?
Dreamt of it again now?
Protect it and pursue it.
Freedom writers. A die die must see show.
Just feeling very sad
I was at Orchard meeting my ex-colleagues (Mdm Vi, DF, TT, KY and TY). It was nice to meet them once again. Life isgoing good for them and it was really nice to know that they are living in joy.
BUt then, one of them would be going over to the Aus to finish his university studies. He would be going over there for good.
Haiz... Sad... I think i'm gonna to miss this friend..
Let's hope he would be happy and joyful there..
Here are some food for thoughts...
Hot chocolate fudge cake at Fish and Co, Borders.
Japanese Food @ my school canteen
Lost the momentum to walk.. Trying to find one
Well, bro is doing his oral presentation right now, so let's hope that he will pass with flying colours.
Guess what?? This is my first time write a post in school. Sounds a bit odd, but simply don't know what to do now, i guess?
I just received the results for my two mid term tests. Upon opening it, i nearly fainted. It wasn't that well done at all, i barely scraped through the passing marks. This is the second semester and yet my results still show something else. Where have all the hardwork and effort gone to? Weeks and weeks of preparations seems to no avail. This is really quite depressing. Am i not that hardworking yet?
I have tried my best, i guess. By studying over the notes, doing practice questions and going through the parts i don't understand over and over again, and doing up my own summary and notes, explaining the concept to myself to make sure i catch them well, yet it seems that does not go anywhere. Simply depressing.
Suddenly, i don't know what i should do next... Simply lost in my way... Sighed..
Though on the other side of the coin, it shows that i have long way to go and i should push myself to go on, it just can't get me on my track. I feel like stopping and so be it.
How can i acheive my dreams. If it is me who did not prepare at all, i would just shut and give in. But...
Sometime learning to let go and carry on seems to be a must. Though painful, it would be better than to always suffer as and when it is.
So what makes you happy today??
I'm still waiting for bro to finish his oral presentation.
I guess the sweetest moment in life is when someone you hold close to suddenly call you and chat with you
That would be a sweet time right, i suppose?
So this was what happened to me a while ago, when someone called in and we had a nice chat..
Thanks, bro.
Last day of CNY 07
"Time and tides waits for no man!"
Without any much blinking, there you go, Chinese New Year 2007 has ended. So what did you guys do for the past 15days?
I went for the career fair today, and managed to take some photos..

At the "teaching as a career" booth.

At the Spring booth

Opposite of Suntec City

A very delicious ice cream outlet...

The first (& and only) court with tentage to allow people to play in the rain?