Have you thought of what your future would be?
Have you wonder why you have to walk on the earth for so many years of life?
Have you wonder what would you be able to acheive at the end of your journey?
Have you dream of the sweetest moment of life, that you would yearn to have?
After so many years of teaching, i suddenly feel that the level of understanding in most of my students are not what i would have expected, based on their textbooks and syllabus. Fractions seems to be a problem for them, explaining using the concepts that have learnt seems to be a difficulty. Higher order thinking application questions are always left blank. Students are getting a little more rebellious - tucking out uniform, scolding vulgarity, not doing homeworks, cursing the teachers when lessons are boring, failed the tests yet nothing was done to atone the mistakes, tattoing and piercing. What is actually happening?
Being a committed educator, i, at times, felt a little upset and low for these few disturbing observations. What could really be done to salvage these situations?
Is being rebellious an 'in' thing for all youngsters to follow?
Sometimes, i wonder if these could get better...
Anyway, vacations are here and things are getting better as for now, perhaps for these 3 months. Now that holidays are here, it is really a chance for me to experience some real-life situation.
There are alot of things that are going 'hay-wired', and somehow it seems that nothing could be done to improve or mould the situation.
I'm trying to do something about it, yet lazy to explain what would happen next... So people who have trust in me, please don't not probe further. If you trust me, please continue to give me the trust.
1st may, my last chance to sit and enjoy prata.. Haiz...
Chorus of the dreams
What is your dreams?
Is your dreams like this?
(1) Attending a birthday dinner on a weekend?
(this was the meals we have had two saturday ago, when Andy decided to bring forward his birthday celebration due to the up-coming of exams then.. Thanks for the meal, Andy!)
(2) Clubbing on a weekend night with a group of brothers and friends?
(Jackson, Me, Sumi and Sing went to Zouk 2 saturdays ago, after Andy's birthday dinner. Haiz, a sad experience - this clubbing proved that i'm old indeed. I'm out of clubbers' life, into pubbing, i guess)
(3) Attending a concert, to reward your hardwork for the exams?
(Attended a charity concert last night, saw 迷路兵 and 陈伟联)
So this what i have done for the weeks during and after the exams...
What is your dream?
Now that the vacation break is coming, and i'm now heading into the white-collar sector...
Vacation? What would you guys be doing?
Just so busy and tired lately.. As the days are near... you realised that the people are stack up with a lot of stress
I guess, not only just me (i hope), i really hate this 'empty' period of time.
I guess most of us are feeling this way too - time suddenly is on my side and yet, it cannot be spend onto things like shopping or slacking...
Sighed... I hate such period of time...
The so-called 'judgement' day is near...
Stress level is stretched to its limit...
A new song to talk about today
I chance upon this song a few days ago (我相信), which i think it's very nice to listen.
Miracles is to be believed..
I believe i'm who i am
I believe freedom
I believe in hope
I believe i can touch the sky...
So what's happening today?
Hmmm.. Let's see what i have got today.
Lunch talk? (Nope, did not have lunch today.)
Friends talk? (Nope, did not meet anyone today except for some studies matter)
Photographs? (Nope, never take any photos today)
So what's up today?
I guess exams is just around the corner, thus everyone seems very busy with the preparation.
Sighed... sort of dread such period of time.. Stress will built up, tension will increase and things might just go hay-wire any moment in time.
Have you ever wonder why you are here?
Have you ever wonder why you would need friends?
Well, interesting questions, i guess.
3 months of vacation break is coming soon, let's see.
Have you ever thought of this interesting question(s)?
Today was quite a rare occasion for me. I would rarely be able to slack for a sunday, at certain region of the country; doing nothing but to appreciate the surrounding. And it so happened for me to think of the 'pressing issues' of many aspect of the life.
But wait, how would you define life?
Have what you thought life would be, while you read Cinderella, Snow White, Winne the Pooh, and many many fairy-tales related stories during your childhood, differs what you have or might experience now?
Does living simply equates to meeting your 3 basic needs and await to be called home by the Lord?
Or does it means that you have goal(s) and be able to fulfil them?
Or what does it mean to you? (feel free to share on my blog. I mean this question is really interesting and i would really like to know how people think of this. I thanked you in advance)
I saw a young child (about 4years old, perhaps?), he was grining from ear-to-ear. Why? He was given his favourite cookies. If you saw it, you might end up like me - smiling too. Suddenly, he has helped me to reconfigure the meaning of life. It seems that i have the wrong answer ever since i stepped into the 3rd stage of life.
Simply magical.
Vacation breaks is near the corner. And i really have a wish - to visit an orphanage. Sounds weird? I don't know. I suddenly felt that i should drop by there to take a look and feel for the kids there, even to shower them with some concerns. I thought of visiting the 3rd world country soon and feel for them and to share with them what i know and could do. I thought of being a welfare worker to share my vision, feel for people and listen to people's talking.
And that is how i see life now, i guess. Feel for people and share around.
Monday morning and soon...
Although it is just a meet up, it is still so SWEET and nice.
I met my xiao di just now, and went for a Easter party. It was really very packed; filled with more than 8000 people in a convention hall.
Here are some of the photos that i managed to take while wandering around to look for my xiao di in the crowd...

This area is the carvinal area; filled with foods, fun and vendors. But then, the food is not that exciting and nice...
Coupons are needed..

So this is the photo that i managed to take while queuing up together with xiao di at my side.
Crowded? But fun, because xiao di was jumping around happily beside me. He ar? Was so energetic throughout the event.

Back to the carnival hall.
And took this photo while wandering around to wait for xiao di to head home together.
Felt so sweet to meet friends today. Make life so meaningful and appreciative.
Now, i'm so happy and elated for the meet-up today.
But then, yet to take dinner just now. Xiao di was too high and kept on running around throughout the whole gathering.. He did not take proper dinner..
Life is so SWEET!!
After a long day (meeting a friend, losing a gamble), life is still so sweet when you find somewhere you belong.
I would say that this week was a good week. Why, you might ask? This week is a short week, because of good friday.
Hence, after a hectic and stressful week, it was time for me to slack one corner.
Hmm, so what did i do today? Let's see...
What do you think if i tell you that we had chicken rice where
(1) the chickens are 100% kampong chickens, and
(2) the resturant's name stated that it is a five star chicken rice stall?
The asnwer - disappointing! The chicken rice was not up to our expectation.

This is the chicken rice set, cost S$3. But then, it wasn't up to my expectation. HJ said that is is edible => not bad! What do you think then?

This is
you cai. Well, does this look like it cost S$5?
What about the taste?
Tried boiled vegetables soaked in oil before?

This is one of the better dish! The marinated pork meats. It cost S$5.

So this is a cup of Homemade Barley. Well, this drink taste ok.
So after our 'wonderful' dinner, we went ahead to Coffee Beans to slack and chit-chat.

Does this place look familiar to you?
Somehow, this place looks like an isolated island to me..

This picture is taken outside the Coffee Bean.
Look like an ideal place to slack and rest on.

Taken at the other angle.

This was what i had while slacking in Coffee Bean.
Very nice!!
Pure Chocolate with whipped cream.
Well, with that, it marked my end of thursday night..
Looking forward to this saturday's gathering with Xiao Di!
I have lost a bet today, but then, i did not feel sad or pity at all. You might wonder why? Well, this is because i have predicted the answers, and i knew that the outcome of the gamble would be what i have predicted. What i lost is nothing serious; just a reason to believe in miracles would happen. To be exact, a reason to hope that the chocolate power would do some magic for me.. But then, it seemed that the 21 chocolates HAD lost its power.
Then again...
It's April
Well, the week has just ended. It's nothing special except that i know i would be going for the concert (by 陈伟联) and i have just bought the ticket.
I bumped into someone (by right, i should say that it's a close friend. But then, who knows why? I guess it is fated that way, perhaps) a few days ago.
So i went out with ah hui last friday to Vivocity to buy present for a friend (21st birthday. Sighed.. I'm getting older). On the way, we stopped by Harbour Front Food Centre to have our dinner (did i say after a 4km run in school?). I had roti prata while ah hui had roti john. We ordered SOME indian rojak, which cost S$4.50 (ouch!!).

Friday night @ Harbour Front Food Centre
(well, maybe it's friday night... Not many people)

Roti Prata (Not that nice, i missed the one near my neighbourhood)

Roti John (ah hui had it)
Nice or not? It's up to you to guess..

This is the S$4.50 rojak. You tell how you think..
So yesterday i went out with Sebas to go pray at some temple at doing some prayers..
And of course, it's food time.
We went Macpherson food market to have a breakfast... Very nice, that is the comment i would say.

This is Mango Ice Milk.
Very nice!!! Worth a try!
Well, last picture to go... Find this place familiar..
I would end up there soon...