After a long day (meeting a friend, losing a gamble), life is still so sweet when you find somewhere you belong.
I would say that this week was a good week. Why, you might ask? This week is a short week, because of good friday.
Hence, after a hectic and stressful week, it was time for me to slack one corner.
Hmm, so what did i do today? Let's see...
What do you think if i tell you that we had chicken rice where
(1) the chickens are 100% kampong chickens, and
(2) the resturant's name stated that it is a five star chicken rice stall?
The asnwer - disappointing! The chicken rice was not up to our expectation.

This is the chicken rice set, cost S$3. But then, it wasn't up to my expectation. HJ said that is is edible => not bad! What do you think then?

This is
you cai. Well, does this look like it cost S$5?
What about the taste?
Tried boiled vegetables soaked in oil before?

This is one of the better dish! The marinated pork meats. It cost S$5.

So this is a cup of Homemade Barley. Well, this drink taste ok.
So after our 'wonderful' dinner, we went ahead to Coffee Beans to slack and chit-chat.

Does this place look familiar to you?
Somehow, this place looks like an isolated island to me..

This picture is taken outside the Coffee Bean.
Look like an ideal place to slack and rest on.

Taken at the other angle.

This was what i had while slacking in Coffee Bean.
Very nice!!
Pure Chocolate with whipped cream.
Well, with that, it marked my end of thursday night..
Looking forward to this saturday's gathering with Xiao Di!
I have lost a bet today, but then, i did not feel sad or pity at all. You might wonder why? Well, this is because i have predicted the answers, and i knew that the outcome of the gamble would be what i have predicted. What i lost is nothing serious; just a reason to believe in miracles would happen. To be exact, a reason to hope that the chocolate power would do some magic for me.. But then, it seemed that the 21 chocolates HAD lost its power.
Then again...