Mr Bean's and her soya ice cream...
Not bad wor.

So this is the ice cream i'm talking about.
Soya Bean Ice Cream. The taste is not bad. Worth a try.
Have you seen caroling before??

String Emsemble - Canon In D

Christmas Lighting @ Orchard

Lighting @ Bugis

Psst!! This one is diamond christmas tree..
Today is the last day of the year...So are you ready for Year 2007?
So today is December 31, 2006. (pause) To be exact, the last day of the year. Many things would have happened for the past one year, many things should have took place for the past one year. So is Year 2006 a fruitful and meaningful for you?? So are you looking forward to Year 2007?
If the same questions are posted back to me. Yes for the 1st question and no for the latter one.
Year 2006 has been good, really good. I decided to venture out in the field of businesses, pursuing my dreams, and improving a few friendships. It is simply near to ideal and good enough for me.
But why ain't i looking forward to Year 2007? To be honest, it would be inevitable. But then, i'm half-hearted to receive Year 2007.
Really half-hearted even though i know it might be a new turn over for me.
Changing style, shape and tone. Human Relationship.. is a bother.
Well, all i could say is i have a xmas celebration that was worthwhile and enjoyable. It was finally one that made me felt home.
The 11 course dinner at sembawang 1018 hawker centre, the strolling of sembawang park, the listening of old chinese classic songs and hokkien songs, and the overnight mahjong session were one of the rare few occassions that made me feel happy (esp after so many unahppy incidents that had took place).
Thanks guys (Ed, Sumi, Kian, Sing, Min and Xiang), the night rocks.
Wel, i guess i'm ready to put down all the unwanted yet not-bearable stuffs down and carry on with life. 1 month of long break and avoidance, i guess it's really enough for me to move on. Or should i say no matter what's there, i just don't care anymore, i'll just move on. Life, afterall, is about how i would enjoy it, not how i would accomodate along. I decide where i will go from here...
Long aslept 4th piece of treasures (kept so long le, don't know whether functionable or not) finally resurfaced. Don't blame me.. I just have enough of accomodation...
Should i be disappointed? Is it me who has something wrong? Then why is these happening to me?
I'm actually quite sad for many things that have happened for the past few days. I have been reflecting for the past few days.. Is it my problem or is it that things are out there to make fun of me.
I think i should give up and forget about being so sentimental to things. I guess this way of doing does not reward any good things to me at all. I guess it's the time to wake up being emotional about things, cos there is nothing worth to be that way anymore..
Sickening and sad.
No point appreciating it..
No point giving to it...
No point at all..
Am i to deserve such thing?
Just words without actions = never say
It is drizzling outside. My plan to go for a short run in the morning was crushed, thanks to the rain. Sighed.. I guess by turning to this blog and vent out all my grumbles will be the best thing to do, as for now i guess.Just a question in passing: Have anyone been disappointed with anyone all because of the actions the person did do not tally with the words promised? How did you react to the person? How come i asked so a question? Because i'm anyone.
Well, don't get too shocked. I think i should get used to it by now. I think it is like part and parcel of life. But, i think that, as for this time round, i'm quite disappointed. Don't ask me why such response appear, although the word 'disappointment' should never appear. When you give, don't expect for returns. But then, when you contribute so many times in something, when the returns are bare minimum, what would you do then? Contribute in some more and hope for the best? Even the farmers know that if the plot of land cannot produce the expected yield returns, they would buy a new land. Yup, though teachers would not give up students who are not improving their grades, they will be sad for a certain period of time too. Well, i guess i'm still in the vicious cycle.
Have you watched the show "Oprah"? Well, you should if you yet to watch it before. I was watching an epsiode last night and was truly touched by what Oprah Winfrey and her angel's network have done. The teachers in South Africa do not have a stable income, that is, their income is solely dependent on donations collected. But they did not leave their profession, instead, they stay on, fork out money from their own pocket to buy pens and papers for the students, and continue with the teaching. These teachers believe that one day, one of their students might be a lawyer, a nurse, a doctor or someone great. Aren't they great??Teaching. I guess it is the greatest career in life.
So ideal....
Heard of this song 'how do you do'?
It is one of the songs that 'sucked' me into pressing 'repeat' button for umpteen times. (Funny..)
Anyway, this song is one of the songs that's suitable for ballroom dance, be it rumba, cha cha or samba. Well, i guess the best is still dancing Samba with this song..
If you know how the steps in Samba, you can try adding Helicopters into it.. It's really very nice, even though it is tiring after that...
Oh wow, december is ending so soon so soon...
And i had so much fun and joy throughout the december..
I went to help out in a counselling centre for a day, as a function organiser and a funky boy..
Lif is full of fun and never ending energy..
Haha, i got a little darker...
Good good..
Super Humiliation! Day today!!
Hahaz... Afterall, it's a learning point for me to take note. Never do these to others, since i don;t like it at all!!!
Well, saw this on someone's blog, then went to do, so got this result. Funny!!

You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
older and older...Yet i don't wish to grow old.
In many days time, Year 2006 will end (how come so fast le? I haven't enjoy to the fullest le :( ) and from there, the number of candles on my cake will increase by one. Sighed...
How many of you out there have actually loved and enjoy growing up and growing old? For me, i dread the feeling of growing old.
Have you notice that as you grow older, the picture you see seems to be more and more weird and out of the ideal world? Hmmm, everything is on the rise, that include age and stress level. But friendship is on the fall.
Growing up??
Seems exciting when you are young..
Seems dangerous when you are approaching..
Seems a wrong choice when you are in it...
Do you know?
Diarreahea is the 2nd deadly disease that kills infants up to 5 years old. A 17month old baby girl lost her mass till 2.75kg after two days of diarreahea.. The best way to cure this deadly disease is a spoonful of sugar, a fist of salt and a cup of water..Adapted from Times Magazine
Christmas is coming
I have been 'loitering' around many places lately, and realised that (oh well) Christmas is here again... I guess time flies... Hahaz, what happened last year seems like it had just happened yesterday; the memories still stay so fresh.So year 2006 is heading the exit and year 2007 is about to make its entrance very soon. How's your past 1 year? Did you do anything that is fruitful or meaningful, wonderful or joyful?
If you post me back this question, i guess this year has really been an eventful year for me. There are some many things that had happened. Did you guys out there have the same things happening too??Hope so i guess.
Below is a picture i took from one shopping mall (some would think that it is familiar, yes, indeed). Looks retro or traditional? I think so.
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.Enriching, Entertaining, Enhancing and Extraordinary Year Ahead!Smile and Be Happy:)
Happy Feet Mambo..
Went to watch the movie just now with Carine, Sing and Kee Meng. The movie "Happy Feet" was indeed nice and interesting (well, commented by some of my mates and brother). Indeed, the story plot and the whole animation is very nice, i would say, it is nicer than "March of the Penguin".
The show sounds like "Phantom of the Opera", it is like a musical show. There are many singings and dances (well, ballroom room dances like Samba, Chacha and Latin tap dances). I was simply amused by the show and was being shocked by the way they dance and sing..
Simply outstanding and simply maginficent...
People who loves to watch cute and funny animations, i guess "Happy Feet" is a good show to catch. Worth the price and worth the time.
Happy Feet Mambo...
When you are sick, you will tend to appreciate many things in life.
I guess i'm really getting old. Fancy partying overnight made me feel utterly terrible. I'm now still suffering from the aftermath of the party - giddy, feverish and feel like vomitting. Terribly weak and breathless. I guess i've aged.
Some have mentioned that when a person is feeling sick and terrible, he tends to appreciate and thank life. Well, i guess i'm the person they were refering to. Yup, i have a flashback in life and start to appreciate the various passengers that have boarded and shaped my train.
There are many people who i wanted to thank so badly, yet words seems to get jammed at the mouth. 20years of my life, many people have crossed my path and many have shaped my path.
I'm thankful that my primary school life was deeply enhanced by a guy called Wei Long (I'm wondering whether i will have the chance to bump into him again). For my 6 years, we have been in the same class and we sat beside each other for all lessons. We studied together and enjoyed many things together. Yup, results? Not bad, i was 3rd and he was 4th. But, our PSLE results were different and hence, from there we got posted off the different seconday school. We used to keep in contact during seconday 1 and secondary 2. But, due to the heavy committments as we grew older, we lost contact from there. For the past 5 years, i have tried to find him, bit t no avail. I'm not sure if he would happen to drop by this blog, nevertheless, i still want to thank him. For the 6 years of sweet memories, for touching my life.
Seconday school life wasn't nice, but at least Mun Sang, Sumitra, Carine and Aries were there to brave through with me. What's the nicest thing? At least i still can keep in touch with them. Hmmm, at least i know how they have been doing. 4 years in secondary school wasn't that nice. But lucky, i managed to know people like Jun Yang, Kwan Liang, Wei Qiang, Kay Kiat, Zhen Lin, Wei jie, Wen Yun, Anna and many more. CCA was quite fun when they are around.
When i came to Junior College, someone actually gave me the reason to stay put at the JC. He is Wei Hong. I have an enjoyable first 3 months and partly thanks to him. I got to know Simin and Hui Xiang too, together we joined Chinese Orchestra. I got to know Chris, Cai Tian, Debbie, Shiling, Desmond and Edmund from there. CCA was indeed like my 2nd home. I got to know Kian Hong, Chee Sing and Wei Chee in class, and with their help, managed to do quite okay for my A levels. With them, i learn to enjoy more out of life.
So there i went, i volunteered my service to protect the country for 2 years. I met WeiSi, Hock Joo, Dennis, Jonathan, Lawerence, Kenneth, Colin, Kian Yip, Cedric, Suresh, Denny, Jason, Raymond, Vincent, Bao Rong, Joshua, Chen Chen, Vivien and Wei Chen. Though not happy, but really enjoyed with their accompany.
Now in uni, I met Yu Xiang and was glad that we can become so close so close.
For the last 2 years, there is a special person that i want to thank, but yet i simply don't know how to.
Bro, this is for you.
13 Dec? From there, we would have knew each other for 2 years le. Though not very long, i'm so glad that we have managed to climb to the peak of friendship. I thank you for a lot of things. I thank god for bestowing you to me. Thank you.
Sick? Yeah, i'm. Getting old? Yes.... Soon to be a year older le.
2 weeks of planning, 13 hours of hardworks, 1 gift, 1 mission, 1 white lies and 6 hours = 1 surprize (Part 4)
The planning for the birthday surprise actually started 2 weeks ago, near the late november. Since 21st birthday is usually unique and rare for everybody, thus, people tend to make it big and memorable.
Initial plan was a lunch + dinner (21 dishes) for him on his actual day of birthday. But, it was being known that he would be busy for some important events. Thus, it is impossible for him to spare 2 hours on that actual day.
5 days before 7 dec, i was taking a shower. The idea of sweet, ever-lasting and memorable come to me. Thus, i decided to set the theme "Sweet 21" as the main idea for the gift. Chocolates came into my mind. I have asked around for ideas and finally the idea of 21 came in.
Hence, the gift - chocolates of 21 flavours- was into action.
6 Dec: The actual day of treasure hunt. The 'game' started on 11am, started from Orchard. But to no avail, there wasn't any shops around there. So, by foot, i travelled from Orchard to Douby, from City Hall to Suntec. Finally, after 4hours to treasure hunting. I managed to chance upon a shop at suntec.
2pm, i was at the shop trying to negotiate with the shopkeeper to buy only 21 chocolates. But she refused. I gave up persuading her after half an hour of hardwork.
2.30pm, mission 1 accomplished.
Next, the card. I have asked a friend's friend to help me get a customised card - design and message of my own. For 3 hours, i went through hundreds of messages to find the most meaningful and desired one.
6pm, the wrapping paper. In order to contrast the gift, i hunted many shops to find the most ugly wrapping paper. It would show that i seems to be hasty to buy a birthday gift. Only to realise it is the opposite when he open the gift.
7pm, paper, card and gift are done le. Left the writing of messages. I came up with 5 drafts and was trying very hard to choose the best of the best to write down. And, at the same time, i got 20 people to give me comments and feedbacks on the gift choosen.
11pm, I'm done with the gift, card and style of wrapping. Left the role play and rehearsal.
I tried the find the best way to present the gift so naturally w/o any suspious. And from there, i executed the whole plan the very next day...
2 weeks of planning, 13 hours of hardworks, 1 gift, 1 mission, 1 white lies and 6 hours = 1 surprize (Part 3)
6pm, he finally cooled down for the emotional 'turmoil'. And we departed from there. Feeling great!!
1155pm, he opened the card. He was so touched that i had this message in there: I know that this friendship is going to grow stronger since the day we met. I have taken you are a family member. We do not question whether we are there for each other or not course, we definitely are. I trusted you as close as like what i do for a family member.
He smsed and again, with all the emotional speeches.
Hahaha, the feeling is really very great
So at this point, i announced:" MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"
Part 4: Backstage.Stay tune
2 weeks of planning, 13 hours of hardworks, 1 gift, 1 mission, 1 white lies and 6 hours = 1 surprize (Part 2)
When he reached his house, he was as excited as a kid upon receiving a gift.
515pm, he managed to open the gift.
He froze there for at least 15 mins and i did all the talking..

Me:" K represent your initial; Happy Birthday is to celebrate your day; 21 is your age. Together, they are 1 same flavours. With the rest of the 20 flavours, there are 21 different flavours. These represent my well-wishing and blessing for you. I hope that for the next 12 months, your life will be like these chocolates - sweet, enriching and full of flavours.... Happy 21. Happy Birthday!"
At the point of time, he froze.....
Then, i appeared at his house. The feeling was great..
Well, the expression was so shocking and worthwhile...
PArt 3: The custom-made card. Stay tune!
2 weeks of planning, 13 hours of hardworks, 1 gift, 1 mission, 1 white lies and 6 hours = 1 surprize
Today is a special day. Though today is not the actual day of his birthday, my mission to surprize him for his 21st birthday accomplished!!!
Anyway, this is the whole plan today, you see it for yourself and you will know what i'm talking about. If you think it is nice, drop me a comment. Praise me ba... Hahaha
1030am, under his block.
Me:" Bro, need your help! I bought this box of 'ice-cream' yesterday. This is a gift for a friend today. I'm meeting this good friend of mine later at 6pm, in City Hall. This box of ice-cream comes from Switzerland. Help me put in your freezer can?? Help help!!"
K:" Oh, come come. Follow me. I help you put in the freezer. Later we come back and collect."
11am - 5pm, we went for shopping and walking. A day finally we can relax and be happy. Holidays are here. Yeah.... Anyway, along the way, i have managed to convince him to think that i have bought this box of ice cream for someone and trying hard to think of way to transport to city hall. I even convinced him to help me think of it.
5pm, near his house.
K:" Hey, where you going to from now? City hall right? How do you transport the ice cream there?"
Me:" Huh? I'm going home le. I promised my mum to be home for dinner. No way i'm going out."
K:" Huh? Then the ice cream?"
Me:" Ice-cream? Where got ice-cream?"
K:" Huh? The box you asked me to put into the freezer?"
Me:" Got ar?"
At that point of time, he was very shocked. YOu can see it from his face one.
515pm, under his block.
K:" Going up to collect the ice cream?"
Me:" Ice cream? Haha, got meh?"
Me:" That box is not an ice cream lor," I gave him the smile and he was still shocked and surprized. "That box of gift is for you. Happy 21st birthday."
He was in total shock...
Watch the second part, coming soon:)