悠闲悠闲, 真的是有很多嫌事
终于放假了,无忧的生活又再次到来。然而,总觉得自己的生活步伐丝毫没慢下来的迹象, 反而有加快的现象。 每天似乎在与时间赛跑, 赶日程表,赶得给予学生的复习作业, 等等等。 想找个时候透口气也似乎有点困难。
If chinese typing can be done by just scribbling onto the computer screen, i would be over the moon.
Indeed, exams are over; stressful period of rushing assignments, meetig for projects, preparing for tests and quizzes, reading lecture notes are all over. Things, by right, should be coming to a pause at this moment in time, or at least, slowing down for this moment in time. But, it seems that the tempo of life has just started to pick and move even faster. Rushing for deadlines, time schedule, tutees' progress reports, tutee's further enhancement worksheet and etc, were all the daily routine activities. Laptop is a essential tool for me wherever i go.
Maybe i'm getting older, somethings are hard to be say out like that:)
忙碌了整整四个多月,终于能稍微休息一下, 喘口气。
Well, sometimes, i would wonder why typing in chinese can be so difficult. I guess the fault should be me and my typing skill.
Indeed, ever since i came back from China trip early this january, i have been slogging for months and months. Sometimes, i do wonder what the hell i'm slogging for. Sometimes, i would wonder is it worth slogging all along and sacrifice some parts of my life. Sometimes, i would wonder if i could turn the clock back in time and redo some regrets in my life.
If we would know that we would end up to what had happened a while ago, i guess, we might not even start our very first step. Ya?