Managed to chill out with Hock Joo last sat at Botak Jones (AMK branch).
The food there?
Very nice, the service and western culture set by the stall is really really very professional..
Serving size?
Very big.. I cannot finish..
Quite ok, around the cost of a big mac meal.
See photos below lo..

Professional set of sauces and creams.

Fish and Chips Set (before i eat)

After i am so full..
Sentosa trip
Went to sentosa this afternoon with CT and Chris. I would say i never regretted going out with them today. It's really fun and nice. Thanks bro, and CT.
Below are some photos to show why:
At palawan beach

We felt very hot, so chris decided to squibble something on the beach...

At the Dolphin Lagoon

At Underwater World

One of the many crabs

Arh... sharks
Before we left the beach station.

Thanks guys, for wondering day.
Hope to see you guys for our Sentosa Trip Part 2 in July.
Wanna to see more photos, date me out lo
Enriching and Empowering your life!
Wow, nice title. But soon this post will be moved to somewhere it should belong..
Dear reader(s),
It's the starting of June. It's the starting of your new calendar month, and how are you going to live it? Live it in a routine way and make sure that you are there in the society surviving hard?
So what is life to you, and what makes you happy and tick?
Would it be something like this?
Working hard to know that you have the luxury of friends and family supporting you, and knowing that you would attain 2C's in your life - confidence and charisma. As you move ahead with life, you would have an enriching life and empowered yourself with all different aspects of life. Plus more, being able to build up your portfolio with your friends, who you want to be with and moving along to fruitful and meaningful life. At the end of the day when you look back you would say:" Hey, my life is such a way that i have never think of. How i wish i have such life earlier!"If you have this dream and have this aim to bring yourself to enriching and fun journey, then what do you plan to do? What can you do? Alone?
Yup.. So want to know i'm brewing? Haha, date me out lo. Then you would know how a guy with new image and new style in life have been doing, plus, understanding where this guy is heading?
Wow, that's sound very commericialized. That sounds too good to be true.. Hmmm.. well, seeing and feeling is believing.. So you seeing or avoiding?
New image, new direction, new me!! A new you for you?
Just do it, and happyily face it..
Before i start.. Let you guess which MRT station is it?
Wanna some clue.. see what's the words reflecting on the glass

Yeah, this is the environment that i'm working now. I'm a white-collar professional.

Seen these delicacies before? Able to name where these places are?
(Jackson could do it easily)
This tea is gonna to cost S$0.90 soon...
More updates coming on the way...