Hmm, i guess i'm really in love in mentoring
I don't like the word 'teaching'. I don't like people call me 'teacher'. I'm more than a teacher, or, i hope to be more than a teacher.
I want to be someone who do more than classroom teaching.
I want to be someone who will be always there for my students / tutees.
I want to be someone who always put their welfares in the first place.
I want to be someone who will helps to plays a part in shaping the future generation.
I don't want to be a teacher, i want to be more than a teahcer.
Teach, Share and Guide.
Seeing my kid tutees (i call them boy boy, as usual) now able to do more than A level physics questions, ie, write resumes and cover letters, know what to do to have a foothold in the society, and more, it's really heartwarming. If i could touch more lives, life will be almost perfect for me.
I love students, i love mentoring.
My students love me (perhaps?)