One week -> 2 gatherings. More to come? Yes!
I love this week, for i have managed to catch up with a few friends.
I met up with Joo on Sunday evening for a simple dinner at Upper Thomson Road - Shanghai Ren Jia. I missed some China cuisine, and this place had helped me to curb some heavy craving. If this place would sell Pian Er Chu, i guess i would have just ordered a bowl and enjoy. Anyway, this place has some good food to enjoy, and this tea? Is simply delicious and enjoying. Thanks, buddy. Got time we come out and play again?

Today managed to meet up with bro (chris) and caitian for a movie and lunch at PS. Gatherings have never failed to brighten up and keep my day smiley. Anyway, we watched KungFu Dunk and 'not too bad' was the comment i gave to this show. Quite exciting and hilarious.
After the movie, Chris and I went to Orchard to have dinner at Sakae Sushi. (This is the first time we cannot eat up to the expectation hor?)

Time for a rest as for now. Bro, hope you like the presents. Thanks for the day too:)